Many people may be concerned about "automation" since it implies being replaced by machines. Although the advent of automation may alter the skills and criteria required to take advantage of new technologies, it usually entails streamlining smaller and repetitive operations. Here are some of my recommendations to help you prepare if you're worried about job loss due to automation.
When answering the question about people losing their jobs potentially to automation or robotics, coming into the workplace… our experience thus far with some of our clients has been that it’s very industry-specific. However, we are not in the position right now within the market, regardless of the vertical. Where the jobs, themselves, for the most part, have not been eliminated, but more enhanced, at least in some of the industries in which we work on an ongoing basis.
The fact remains that unemployment is at very, very low numbers right now. And there are still currently more jobs than candidates. And even though the market is changing, and we have inflation coming, etc., some companies are taking a closer look. The reality is there is still a lot of opportunity out there.
So, in the event that your job may be replaced by automation or robotics, there are other opportunities that are out there that you may be able to pursue. If you have that concern, my recommendation would be to take a good hard look at your own background, sit back and say, “What is it that I’d really like to do?” and “Where would I like to see myself in five years?” Focus on not the next job, but the job that’s going to get you the job you want. That could be in the same industry, or it could be in a completely different vertical, but should you go through that exercise and figure out: these are my strengths, these are my challenges or opportunities, to develop to invest in my own capabilities, then I would suggest going forward and making that investment to increase your capabilities.
And so, in the event that your job is replaced by automation and robotics – and not sure if and when that’s going to occur – that you have other options at your disposal. And if can make a move relatively quickly, then having those additional capabilities, demonstrating that foresight, and that you’re a critical thinker, will be attractive to companies and recruiters as they try and bring additional talent into their organizations. That may match your long-term plan and may not be affected by robotics or automation.
So, take a look at your career, take a good hard look in the mirror and say, “Who am I, what do I want to do next, what are the capabilities I want to demonstrate?” Then go forward and get the skills you need to do it.